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One Heartland,
United in Kindness

Facing every challenge together; lending a hand when it’s needed the most.

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A People in Need

  • In rural Zambia, smallholder farming is the primary economic activity where over 50 % of the population live in poverty.

  • Land degradation with a persistent loss of soil fertility continues to worsen poverty and malnutrition.

  • More than one-third of children below the age of 5 exhibit stunted growth

  • Almost 50% of the population are unable to meet their minimum daily caloric requirements.

We choose to share what God has placed in our hands so that his people may have the dignity to provide for their families and in turn, share with others in need.

We accepted the challenge from nonprofit Shoulder-2-Shoulder to partner with Pastor Moses Banda in Petauke, Zambia, supporting his efforts to build relationships with and disciple community members, teaching agribusiness practices, eliminate food insecurity, and promote financial self-reliance.

Drought Crisis
  • Long-standing poverty and hunger are compounded by drought.

  • Zambia has experienced the lowest rainfall during the growing season in the past 40 years.

  • This has resulted in total crop loss and garden failure where we work.

  • Drying of water sources increases the risk of water-borne disease and threatens livestock.

  • Lacking any safety net the population is extremely vulnerable.

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Improve Agriculture and Build Resiliency for Lasting Change

There is great potential and hope. We are committed to empowering farmers with

  • agronomy education

  • loans for seed and fertilizer 

  • community gardens 

  • green thumb education for school aged children

  • business know how

We are focused on combining agricultural productivity, increasing resilience, and reducing hunger.  Learn about our programs and how you can support our efforts to fight hunger in Zambia.

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